Cupping Therapy
“If it is both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.”
The marks that may accompany a cupping session are NOT bruises or damage to the body. They are called cupping marks and can tell your therapist a lot about the current condition of your body. A bruise or contusion is caused by an impact trauma which breaks the blood capillaries. Cupping is a negative pressure therapy, which means there is no impact that occurs to the body. Not everyone who receives cupping will have visible marking. Marks usually only appear in areas where stagnant blood, static lymph, cellular debris, and toxins have built up. The marks are those factors being moved from the deeper tissues to the skin level. The pores expand in order to discharge the waste and the rest can be more easily expelled through the lymphatic system
Cupping employs negative pressure, which lifts tissues, fascia and muscle as opposed to compression which is used in most manual therapies.
Cupping is the oldest form of medical practice still in use today. One of the oldest medical texts in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes cupping being used by the Egyptians as early as 1550 B.C.
Session Cost: $110.00